I've been conflicted by the age old question "If a tree falls in the woods, does it still make a sound?" for many years. My answer would be always be yes. Until I became a mother. Then I wasn't sure anymore. I mean, come on. I've got people standing right in front of me when I'm speaking that can't hear me. Am I making noise?!
Surely by now you're thinking, this is ridiculous. She needs to get ahold of herself. But there may be one of you who have thought the same thing. I've even said to myself "am I even speaking the same language as these little people?!"
Then it occurred to me that I actually wasn't speaking their language. My sweet children were numb to my voice and they had turned the channel. The tree wasn't making a sound. No matter how many times the blasted thing hit the ground. I am not saying that life has to be one big play ground; however, I am saying that children are not little adults. They are not going to behave like adults at 4 years old. It is a huge task to expect them to sit for a long period of time without stretching their legs and if you don't let them then they're going to find a way to entertain themselves. 8 year old girls still like to play with dolls and 6 year old boys still like to throw sticks and rocks. When you give them a task (if they are natured like my children are), sometimes you have to get creative to get them interested. This will make life far easier for both you and the children. Make putting up laundry or putting away toys a race, talk to them on their level, etc. There's a book called "The 5 Love Languages" and one is now published for children. For Heaven's Sake carries it and can order it if they're out (if you're local).
Pray over your children, show them love, nurture them and it is all going to be okay. Even when we are stressed to the max and feel like we are struggling to go on, we are blessed beyond measure. Psalm 127:3 ESV "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." If it has been a hard day, take time after they go to sleep and just look at them. Know tomorrow is a knew day. You cannot do today over, but you can both get it right tomorrow.
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